Research activity
Main research activities
Since January 2022, I'm Junior Assistant Professor of Economic Statistics at the Department of Economics, Management and Statistics of the University of Milano-Bicocca (UniMiB), Italy. Moreover, since February 2022, I'm Associate Researcher at Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM) in Milan, Italy. In July 2024 I obtained the Italian Scientific Habilitation as Associate Professor (II Fascia) of Economic Statistics (SSD SECS-13/D2, GSD 13/STAT-02).
In 2021 I earned a Ph.D. in Statistics at UniMiB, with a dissertation on time series models for air quality monitoring and assessment of environmental protection policies in Lombardy, Italy. In 2017 I graduated in Statistics & Economics (M.Sc.) at UniMiB and in 2015 I graduated in Economics (B.Sc.) at UniBg.
Since August 2024 I joined the Editorial Board of the Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics (JABES) as Associate Editor, while since July 2024 I serve as member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics (IJCEE).
My research activity and interests focus on environmetrics, statistics and econometrics applied to environmental, energy and socio-economic fields. From a methodological point of view, I often deal with high-dimensional time series, spatio-temporal and geostatistical models which require dedicated model selection algorithms and statistical learning approaches. In practice, my approach grounds on state-space models, linear mixed models with spatio-temporal effects, intervention analysis, and non-linearities in both space and time.
In my project I always attempt to deal with real and large datasets with practical problem-solving purposes. One of the most stimulating research stream focuses on the statistical analysis of air quality and the impact of agriculture on pollution, with a particular attention to the case of the Po Valley and Lombardy. In recent years I also developed methodologies for time series aimed at evaluating the impacts of events and policies, including the study of policies devoted to reducing airborne pollutant levels in Italy and critical areas of Europe. Another important stream includes the use of macroeconometrics tools to study the territorial development and the spatial inequalities affecting the socio-economic pathway in Europe and the role of education and income inequality in determining a sustainable development of the European society.
Since October 2024 I am principal investigator for the project SCARFACE – Sequestering CARbon through Forests, AgriCulture, and land usE, with the partnership of Consiglio per la Ricerca in Agricoltura e l'analisi dell'Economia Agraria - Centro Politiche e Bioeconomia (CREA-PB), a research initiative funded by UniMiB which tackles the carbon sequestration capacity of agricultural activities in the Po Valley (Northern Italy). From 2021 to 2023 I was UniMiB member in the project AgrImOnIA (The impact of Agriculture on Air Quality emissions in Lombardy), a research project funded by Fondazione Cariplo aiming at investigating the role of agriculture in generating ammonia and particulate matter emissions in the Po Valley. Since 2020 I collaborate with researchers from the Lombardy Regional Agency for Environmental Protection (ARPA Lombardia) to integrate technical and contextual skills within the research framework and to develop tools and software for disseminating data on air quality and meteorology in Lombardy to a public audience.
During the past years, I was appointed as visiting researcher at several international research centers, such as the Statistics Department at Harvard University (Boston, USA, 2022), the University of Glasgow (Scotland, UK, 2023), the Leibniz University of Hannover (Germany, 2021 and 2022), and the University of Aveiro (Portugal, 2017 and 2019).
Since 2018 I collaborates as a researcher and data analyst on several projects in partnership with Italian research institutes, such as Greenpeace,, Associazione Economia & Sostenibilità, CGIL Lombardia and Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale (IRS) of Milano. In particular, in 2023 and 2024 I collaborated with Greenpeace to the development of the report "Arming Europe: military expenditure and their economic impact in Germany, Italy and Spain" on the topic of rearmament in Europe and the economic and social consequences of public investment in weapons.
Research projects and groups
Editorial activities
Working papers and preprints
Under review and working papers
Boccaletti, S., Maranzano, P., Morelli, C., & Ossola, E. (2024+). ESG Performance and Stock Market Responses to Geopolitical Turmoil: Evidence from the Russia-Ukraine War (July 31, 2024). University of Milan Bicocca Department of Economics, Management and Statistics Working Paper No. 544, Available at SSRN:
Zammarchi, G. & Maranzano, P. (2024+) Mapping climate change awareness through spatial hierarchical clustering. arXiv preprints (, DOI:
Boccaletti, S., Maranzano, P. & Viegas, M. (2024+) Inequality and Concentration in Farmland Production and Size: Regional Analysis for the European Union from 2010 to 2020. arXiv preprints (, DOI:
Maranzano, P. & Pelagatti, M. (2024+) A Hodrick-Prescott filter with automatically selected jumps. Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM) Working Paper No. 18.2024, (available at SSRN: or
Bosco, B.P., Bosco, C.F. & Maranzano, P. (2024+) Income taxation and labour response. Empirical evidence from a DID analysis of an income tax treatment in Italy. Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM) working papers (Nota di Lavoro 16.2024)
Maranzano, P., Monturano, G. & Tridico, P. (2024+) Assessing the effectiveness of the Italian Citizenship Income on tackling poverty and inequalities: evidences from Italian municipalities. Research Square preprints, DOI:
Bosco, B.P., Bosco, C.F. & Maranzano, P. (2024+) Income taxation and regional growth: DID evidence from an income tax treatment in Italy. Research Square preprints, DOI:
Scientific output
Peer-review journal articles (English)
Maranzano, P. & Parker, P. (2025) Discussion on “Assessing predictability of environmental time series with statistical and machine learning models“. Forthcoming in Environmetrics (Accepted in January 2025)
Colombo, P., Miller, C., Yang, X., O'Donnell, R. & Maranzano, P. (2025). Warped multifidelity Gaussian processes for data fusion of skewed environmental data. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C: Applied Statistics, qlaf003, DOI: 10.1093/jrsssc/qlaf003
Morelli, C., Boccaletti, S., Maranzano, P. & Otto, P. (2025) Multidimensional spatiotemporal clustering – An application to environmental sustainability scores in Europe. Environmetrics, 36: e2893. DOI: 10.1002/env.2893
Cerqueti, R., Maranzano, P. & Mattera, R. (2025) Spatially-clustered spatial autoregressive models with application to agricultural market concentration in Europe. Forthcoming in Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics,
Otto, P., Fassò, A. & Maranzano, P. (2024) A review of regularised estimation methods and cross-validation in spatiotemporal statistics. Statistics Surveys, 18 299 - 340, 2024.
Stamegna, M., Bonaiuti, C., Maranzano, P., & Pianta, M. (2024) The economic impact of arms spending in Germany, Italy, and Spain. Forthcoming in Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, DOI: 10.1515/peps-2024-0019.
Maranzano, P. & Algieri, A. (2024) ARPALData: an R package for retrieving, managing and analysing air quality and weather data for Lombardy, Italy. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, DOI: 10.1007/s10651-024-00599-6.
Otto, P., Fusta Moro, A., Rodeschini, J., Shaboviq, Q., Ignaccolo, R., Golini, N., Cameletti, M., Maranzano, P., Finazzi, F., Ignaccolo, R. & Fassò, A. (2024) Spatiotemporal modelling of PM2.5 concentrations in Lombardy (Italy) -- A comparative study. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, DOI: 10.1007/s10651-023-00589-0.
Carra, A., Chiodini, M.C., & Maranzano, P. (2023) Italy is ageing, who will take care of it?. Rivista Italiana di Economia, Demografia e Statistica, Vol. 77 Issue 2 (April-June 2023).
Borgoni, R., Denova, M., Maranzano, P. & Morelli, C. (2023) Assessing geographical differences of the COVID-19 impact on fuel consumption: the case of Italy. Letters in Spatial and Resource Science, DOI: 10.1007/s12076-023-00361-9.
Maranzano, P. & R. Romano (2023). The European Economic Transition before, during, and after the Pandemic through the War in Ukraine. Forum for Social Economics, DOI: 10.1080/07360932.2023.2252611.
Maranzano, P. & Pelagatti, M. (2023). Spatio-temporal Event Studies for Environmental Data under cross-sectional dependence: an Application to Air Quality Assessment in Lombardy. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics, DOI: 10.1007/s13253-023-00564-z.
Maranzano, P., Otto, P. & Fassò, A. (2023). Adaptive LASSO estimation for functional hidden dynamic geostatistical models. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, DOI:
Gianfreda, A., Maranzano, P., Pelagatti, M. & Visconti Parisio, L. (2023). Testing for integration and cointegration when time series are observed with noise. Economic Modelling, 125, 106352,
Fassò, A., Rodeschini, J., Fusta Moro, A., Shaboviq, Q., Maranzano, P., Cameletti, M., Finazzi, F., Golini, N., Ignaccolo, R. & Otto, P. (2023). Agrimonia: a dataset on livestock, meteorology and air quality in the Lombardy region, Italy. Scientific Data, 10(1), 143, DOI:
Cornali, N., Seminati, M., Maranzano, P. & Chiodini, P.M. (2022). Smart mobility in Milan, Italy: a district-level spatial and cluster analysis. Italian Journal of Applied Statistics, 34(3),
Coker, E.S., Molitor, J., Liverani, S., Martin J., Maranzano, P., Pontarollo N. & Vergalli, S. (2022). Bayesian profile regression to study the ecologic associations of correlated environmental exposures with excess mortality risk during the first year of the COVID-19 epidemic in Lombardy, Italy. Environmental Research, 3(1), 172-203, DOI:
Maranzano, P. (2022). Air Quality in Lombardy, Italy: an Overview of the Environmental Monitoring System of ARPA Lombardia. Earth, 3(1), 172-203, DOI: 10.3390/earth3010013.
Maranzano, P., Bento, J.P.C. & Manera, M. (2022). The Role of Education and Income Inequality on Environmental Quality. A Panel Data Analysis of the EKC Hypothesis on OECD Countries. Sustainability, 14(3), 1622, DOI: 10.3390/su14031622.
Fassò, A., Maranzano, P. & Otto, P. (2022). Spatiotemporal variable selection and air quality impact assessment of COVID-19 lockdown. Spatial Statistics.
Pelagatti, M. & Maranzano, P. (2021). Assessing the effectiveness of the Italian risk-zones policy during the second wave of COVID-19. Health Policy, 125(9), 1188-1199, DOI:10.1016/j.healthpol.2021.07.011
Pelagatti, M. & Maranzano, P. (2021). Nonparametric tests for event studies under cross-sectional dependence. Quarterly Journal of Accounting and Finance, 59, Winter/Spring 2021.
Maranzano, P., Noera, M., & Romano, R. (2021). The European industrial challenge and the Italian NRRP. PSL Quarterly Review, 74(298).
Maranzano, P., Fassò, A., Pelagatti, M., & Mudelsee, M. (2020). Statistical Modeling of the Early-Stage Impact of a New Traffic Policy in Milan, Italy. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(3), 1088. DOI:10.3390/ijerph17031088
Maranzano, P., Ascari, R., Chiodini, P. M., & Manzi, G. (2020). Analysis of Sustainability Propensity of Bike-Sharing Customers Using Partially Ordered Sets Methodology. Social Indicators Research, 157(1), 123-138, doi:10.1007/s11205-020-02333-8
Peer-review book chapters and short papers
Argentiero, A., Maranzano, P., Monturano, G., & Pedrini, G. (2024). Self-employment and Tax Evasion: A Descriptive Analysis of Italian Provinces. In Conflict Scenarios and Transitions - Opportunities and Risks for Regions and Territories, edited by Modica, M & Piacentino, D., FrancoAngeli Editore, ISBN 9788835166535
Maranzano, P. & Pelagatti, M. (2024). Assessing labor market shocks in Italy using a robust Hodrick-Prescott filter with structural breaks. In Book of Short Papers - 2nd Italian Conference on Economic Statistics (ICES 2024) - Statistical Analysis of Complex Economic Data: Recent Developments and Applications, edited by Fabrizi, E., Giambona, F., Marini, C., Marletta, A., Rocca, A, Casa Editrice Bonechi, ISBN 978-88-476-2950-9
Carillo, F., Maranzano, P., Marcis, L., Pagliarella, M.C. & Salvatore, R. (2024). The spatio-temporal Fay-Herriot model using the state-space method: an application to Italian Lombard agrarian sub-regions. In Book of Short Papers - 2nd Italian Conference on Economic Statistics (ICES 2024) - Statistical Analysis of Complex Economic Data: Recent Developments and Applications, edited by Fabrizi, E., Giambona, F., Marini, C., Marletta, A., Rocca, A, Casa Editrice Bonechi, ISBN 978-88-476-2950-9
Maranzano, P., McConville, K., Otto, P. & Carillo, F. (2023). A geostatistical investigation of the ammonia-livestock relationship in the Po Valley, Italy. In Book of Short Papers SIS 2023, edited by Chelli, F.M., Ciommi, M., Ingrassia, S., Mariani, F. & Recchioni, M.C. Pearson, ISBN 9788891935618AAVV
Maranzano, P. & Fassò, A. (2022). The impact on nitrogen dioxide concentrations of lockdown measures during COVID-19 pandemic in Lombardy, Italy. In Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Data Science in Statistics: Challenges and Solutions in Environmetrics, the Natural Sciences and Technology, edited by A. Steland & K-L. Tsui. Springer International Publishing, 343-374, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-07155-3_15.
Maranzano, P., Ascari, R., Chiodini, P.M. & Manzi, G. (2021). Awareness of sustainability among elderly bike-sharing users. In Book of Short Papers SIS 2023, edited by Perna, C., Salvati, N. & Schirripa Spagnolo, F. Pearson, ISBN 9788891927361
Bento, J. P. C., Torres, M., & Maranzano, P. (2019). Outward US Foreign Direct Investment and Environmental Degradation. In Handbook of Research on Corporate Restructuring and Globalization, edited by A. C. Moreira & P. Silva, 252-268. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2019. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-8906-8.ch012
Peer-review journal articles (Italian)
Maranzano, P., Variato, A.M., & Romano, R. (2022). Politica economica ed evoluzione di struttura: una comparazione europea attraverso gli arcipelaghi settoriali (Economic Policy and Structure Evolution: A European Comparison through So-Called "Sectoral Archipelagos"). Economia & Lavoro, 2/2022, p. 171-190, Dec. 2022, DOI: 10.7384/106079
Variato, A.M., Maranzano, P., & Romano, R. (2020). Rotta Next Generation: tra narrazioni ed evidenza empirica, le sfide del possibile orizzonte della politica economica italiana (Next Generation EU: challenges for the possible horizon of Italian economic policy between narratives and empirical evidence). Moneta e Credito, v.73, n.291, p. 207-236, oct. 2020. ISSN 2037-3651., DOI:10.13133/2037-3651_73.291_2
Scientific reports
Greenpeace Italia, Spagna e Germania & Arming Europe: military expenditure and their economic impact in Germany, Italy and Spain. Nov.2023
CGIL Lombardia & Associazione Economia e Sostenbilità. Economia, Finanza, Clima e Lavoro - Un quadro d'insieme della Lombardia. Feb. 2023, ISBN: 9791281285019
Associazione Economia e Sostenbilità & Italian Climate Network. The Green Deal is advantageous. Benefits for the economy and employment in Italy by 2030. Apr. 2021
ESPON & Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale. Migrare - Impacts of refugee flows to territorial development in Europe. Sept. 2019, ISBN: 9782919795161